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Spring Cleaning

I know it is only mid February but we have had mild winter out here on the West Coast and with that comes spring fever. Do you get that? What do you do to solve your spring fever? I like to open all the windows and doors wide and wash all surfaces with Mr. Clean regular no fruity smells, no orange smell, no pine forest smells.. just plain original Mr. Clean... wash the bedding AND iron the sheets and then that night go to bed and just slip into never never land. I know what can I say I am weird lol.

What are your spring routines or do you just treat it like any old regular day?

Makeover on a budget


Things You'll Need:

  • paper
  • pen

    How to Makeover a Room on a Budget

  1. Step 1

    What do you want. In the room you choose, what exactly do you want to change? Maybe you want to change it all, whatever the case may be, make a list of everything you will need.

  2. Step 2

    Look around the house. You might have some items in a different room that could be used in the room you want to makeover. Perhaps that vase under the cabinet that hasn't been used in ages but you still keep. Consider placing it in the room if it matches or works for you.

  3. Step 3

    Check the paper. Checking the paper for yard or garage sales could save you more than you think. Some might think yard sales are for lower income people but that is definitely false. You can find many good deals at these sales and right in your own neighborhood as well!

  4. Step 4

    Make your own decor. If you are a crafty person, you could easily make a slipcover for that pillow or chair without having to spend much at all. If you do have to buy material, there are so many places to find good deals on materials.

  5. Step 5

    Check it off the list. When you get something on your list, mark it off as well as write the price you paid down beside it. This way when you finish, you can see just how much money you saved.